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Physical Education

PE Curriculum

PE at St Stephen's follows the National Curriculum guidance. Sports coaches from Progressive Sports help us to deliver high quality lessons and run some of our after school clubs.


At St Stephen’s, we believe that a high-quality PE offer will inspire children to engage across a wide range of sporting activities and foster a lifelong enjoyment of being active. We fully adhere to the national curriculum for Physical Education to ensure that all pupils will:

  • develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
  • be physically active for sustained periods of time
  • engage in competitive sports and activities
  • lead healthy active lives.


PE at St Stephen’s is taught as a distinct subject. Classes have 2 one hour, timetabled lessons per week. Teaching throughout the year follows the PE overview to ensure a spiral curriculum that revisits and builds upon previous years learning to ensure that National Curriculum end points are met. See the National Curriculum programmes of study:

Outside of the PE lessons, extra-curricular provision, special games days, targeted fitness groups, training sessions, competitions and performances seek to widen the children’s experiences, increase engagement and provide additional opportunities.  Active, healthy lifestyles are promoted through assemblies and special PHSE days.

PE Overview of Lessons and Clubs

Physical Development in the EYFS

In the Early Years Foundation Stage, Physical Development is embedded throughout the daily provision, in both Nursery and Reception.

Children can freely access the outdoors, play and explore a varied range of physical equipment throughout their day in order to develop their gross motor skills. Focus is placed upon pleasure, moving, travelling and climbing with confidence, independence and resilience. The daily provision includes structured climbing equipment of differing levels; wheeled equipment including bikes, vehicles, scooters, wheel barrows and tyres; balls and throwing equipment; planks, bricks, blocks and crates.

Children learn how to carry and move equipment of different shapes, sizes and weights; they learn to negotiate space and each other; they work independently and with others; they progress to devising their own games, creating their own structures, enclosed spaces and dens and how to solve problems and evaluate what they have done.

In Reception class children also have a more formal skill based lesson each week. These lessons support children in refining their skills such as moving, travelling & awareness of space, which they are already developing through their daily provision.They help children to

understand the importance of exercise and how it helps us lead a healthy lifestyle. Throughout the year, the skill based lessons also enable children to enjoy learning more specific skills in areas such as dance and gymnastics.

Development of fine motor skills (the muscles and movements needed in order to manipulate smaller equipment) is embedded throughout children’s daily play inside and outside. This may include kneading balls of playdough; punching holes and threading ribbons with beads; using tweezers to sort buttons; making snips in paper, card or tape; drawing shapes in shaving foam; painting the walls with big brushes; sweeping and scrubbing; making marks, drawing and painting. This progresses to learning to correctly hold writing equipment in order to write letters and numbers with control.


The impact of PE at St Stephen’s is seen through the children’s understanding, engagement and enthusiasm in lessons and at sporting events. Evidence will be seen in the progression of specific skills, attitudes and applied strategies across the year groups as they participate in the wide range of activities on offer. It will be measurable through observations, discussion with pupils, sporting success in personal, intra and inter competition and through the Sporting Spirit awards.

Lewisham Dance Showcase

Watch our Live Dance performance here:

Year 4 Lewisham Dance Showcase

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In The Park: Year 4 created a dance film based on the silent movies. It is a quiet day in the park but someone is up to mischief.
Music: Scott Joplin's The Entertainer

School Games

We are part of the School Games initiative. To find out more about this and to read some of the sporting blogs written by the children, please click on the link below and search for  St Stephen's Church of England Primary School SE8 4ED.

School Games Competition

We engage with the Lewisham competition offer and ensure that all pupils have chance to compete in intra and inter competitions.  We follow the principles outlined in documents below to ensure that the competition intent is clear, inclusive and leads to a long life passion for sport. 


Competition Principles

Our Competition Intent

Outstanding Contribution to Sport During the Pandemic Award 2020 - 2021

KS 2 Sports Day 2021

Sports Personality of the Term

Congratulations to our very deserving winners who have demonstrated the Sporting Spirits and been excellent sport ambassadors for St Stephen's C.E. School.

Sport Personality Winners

Spring Term Winner
Summer Term Winner
Autumn Term Winner
Spring Term Winner

Leadership in Sport: St Stephen's Sports Crew

Each year, children from Year 4 have an opportunity to apply to be a Sports Crew Leader. They are interviewed by existing Sport Crew Leaders, undergo a training programme and then lead the school in lessons, sporting events, assemblies and fitness activities. They uphold the Sporting Spirits throughout all sporting occasions.

They graduate at the end of the year.

Sporting Crew

Sports Crew 2017 - 2018
Sports Crew 2018 - 2019
Sports Crew 2020 - 2021

Sporting Spirits

Sporting Spirit Achievers



Read our Sporting Blogs on the School Games Website Click on the link

Read about our St Stephen's Sporting Achievements

Dance at the Broadway Theatre

Each year, St Stephen's take part in the Lewisham Live Dance.

Mr Blue Sky


The Lion King


Making Links with Outside Sporting Organisations

Throughout the year, we make links with many organisations and encourage pupils to take up sporting activities out side of school by feeding them into clubs and groups.

To find out more, click on the links below: