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  • Support for Parents and Carers

    Please find below some top tips and helpful links. We hope that these will support you as an individual managing the pressures of everyday life and also as a parent or carer navigating this role in this ever changing world.

    Parent Well Being

    Here are some helpful slides from our recent parent Well Being Workshop

    run by Parent ENGage:

    The 5 Ways To Well Being:

    If you want to find out more, give this a read:

    Try out this breathing technique every day:

    Have a listen to this:

    Developing Resilience:

    Here are some helpful slides from our recent parent Resilience Workshop

    run by Parent ENGage:

    If you would like to find out more about Parent ENGage or get involved, follow the links below:

    Parenting Support:

    Don't be afraid to ask for help when life gets a bit too much.

    Here are some resources that you might find useful to support your family:

    Here are some free apps to try:

    Free Occupational Therapy for Children

    Lewisham's Violence Against Women (VAWG)