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  • Parental Involvement

    When your child is enrolled at St. Stephen's we enter into a partnership with you. If your child is to realise his/her full potential it is vital that we develop that partnership during your child's time at St. Stephen's. At the beginning and end of each school year we arrange for you to discuss your child's progress with the class teacher. If we need to see you at other times about your child's progress we will let you know. If you would like to talk to a member of school staff, please do not hesitate to let us know. We will arrange a suitable time for you to meet. We would like you to tell us about your child's achievements at home or in the wider community so that we can celebrate those achievements in school too. If there should be a disruption in your home, such as a bereavement or a stay in hospital, please let us know so that we can support your child throughout the difficult time.

    Parents are an important part of our school community and we value the contributions they make to school life. We encourage them to become involved in our school family in whatever way they are able, from supporting their child with homework to hearing children read or organising the school fayre. The schools runs an effective Parent Forum. A prayer meeting for parents, led by parents, takes place every Tuesday morning. A coffee morning is held for parents on Thursdays at 9.00am. Each year parents organise a school fayre - this is always a success and is a good opportunity for the school family to work together.

    Parents as Voluntary Helpers in School

    Parents who volunteer to help in school enable us to:

    • enrich the curriculum 
    • increase the skill base 
    • reduce pupil ratios where appropriate 
    • give individual support 
    • have a closer relationship with parents and the wider community

    We welcome the help of our parents and see them as part of the whole school community. We recognise the gift of time given to the school is valuable. Please be aware that in light of Safeguarding all volunteers will have to have a Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS ) check before the can help in the school, please enquire at the school office for information. Ideally, parents will work in classrooms other than their own child's class, apart from school trips. Please come and share in the life of the school whenever you are able. Help in the classroom, supervising outside visits, class assemblies, seasonal festivals and sports days are special events for us all.