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  • Lines of Communication

    Lines of Communicating with Parents / Carers

    St Stephen’s has always had an open door policy and we will always ensure we are available to talk to parents at the earliest opportunity. Situations or concerns can often be sorted out quickly when communication is open and at the point of need.

    • The Headteacher and Deputy are available at the start of the day on the main entrances.
    • Class teachers are available after school at their class pick up point.
    • If we need to contact a parent in the day we will telephone, email or text you. Please ensure you have the school number in your phone and respond if you see it is the school number.
    • Please let the school know if you have a preferred method of contact.
    • In an emergency we will use all contact methods.
    • Please ensure you give the school the contact details of 3 people to use. This helps if you are not available.
    • Accident slips are sent home if a child receives first aid in school. A parent is called if the child bumps their head or if we feel it necessary to inform you in person.