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PHSE stands for Personal, Health, Social and Economic Education. 

Whilst PHSE as a subject is non-statutory, its encompasses Relationships Education which is statutory and Sex Education (RSE) which is non-statutory for primary schools. At St Stephen's we teach PHSE and RSE discretely but also recognise that many aspects are supported throughout other curriculum areas such as PE, Computing, Geography, History, Forest School and DT.


Our PSHE teaching at St Stephen’s enables our children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. It aims to help them understand how they are developing personally and socially, and tackles many of the moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up.


PHSE is taught in KS 1 and 2 through the 3 Dimensions  PHSE scheme. 

Learning is divided between  3 Core Themes:

  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Relationships
  • Living in the Wider World

Children engage in a range of activities such as drama, role play, discussion, debate, games and clips which encourage deeper thinking about the topics addressed.

RSE is taught as part of PHSE and additional units are used to teach this area, some of which are statutory and some of which are non-statutory. RSE is taught in accordance with the RSE Policy.

3D PHSE framework is a robust scheme that delivers the core elements of the non-statutory and statutory aspects of PHSE and RSE. This is supplement with additional lessons and resources from other sources.

This curriculum is organised into 3 core themes:

1. Health and wellbeing
  • Mental well being
  • Internet safety and harms
  • Physical health and fitness
  • Healthy eating
  • Drugs , alcohol and tobacco
  • Health and prevention
  • Basic first aid
  • Changing adolescent body
2. Relationships
  • Families and people who care for me 
  • Caring and friendships
  • Respectful relationships
  • Online relationships
  • Being safe
3. Living in the wider world
  • Rules and responsibilities
  • Communities
  • Diversity
  • Collaboration
  • Discriminations
  • Money and finance
  • Economic awareness
  • Enterprise

This curriculum is a spiral curriculum: themes are revisited but with age appropriate progression.

PSHE Overviews


In EYFS, PHSE is covered under the prime area Personal, Social and Emotional Development. Children are able to explore emotions and relationships within a safe and supportive environment They are taught to look after their bodies, how to eat healthily and develop independence. Through a range of activities, they learn how to have confidence in themselves, set themselves challenges, persevere when things get tricky and await their turn. Through their interactions with others, they learn to make good friendships, learn how to be co-operative and resolve conflicts peacefully thus preparing them for KS 1.

This curriculum is supported and enriched by our collective worship themes and our  RE, PE,  ICT and Science curriculum. It also supports our enterprise projects and our study of British values.

Enterprise Skills


By the end of their time at St.Stephen's, we expect that that the children will have reached the following end points:

  • Children will have knowledge on how they grow and develop socially, emotionally and physically.
  • Children will have confidence to make well informed decisions that will keep them safe and healthy as they progress through their lives.
  • Children will make strong, appropriate, well balanced relationships that will support and encourage their development.
  • Children will have a strong sense of their identity and have respect and empathy for others.


This curriculum fulfils the statutory requirements set out by the DFE in the document below.

Proposed Additional RSE Resources 

Statutory Science Lessons that support RSE in Yr 1: Naming body parts

Non-statutory Lesson for Year 4 Girls

Statutory Science Lessons that support RSE in Year 5

Non-statutory Lessons for Year 6

Resources to support Parents in supporting RSE at home