Find lots of fun activities to do at home.
Click on the links below to explore a range of creative activities, suitable for all age groups.
Tate Kids Make drawings, paintings, collages or taking photographs... some of the exciting activities from the Tate Gallery.
Playful portraits at the National Portrait Gallery Make an activity book based upon portraits of rebels, believers and dreamers!
The Home Museum Creative art activities and projects you can do at home, with things from your home!
Home Fitness Challenge:
Fortnight beginning Monday 2nd November
Try out these activities over the next 2 weeks to keep you super fit at home;
1. Step ups Challenge:
2. Catch Clap Challenge:
3. Speed bounce:
Record your scores on the form below and return to school for a sticker.
Dance Challenge:
Dance Fitness Work out:
Joe Wicks Work outs:
5 Day Fitness: