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  • Year 3

    Welcome to Year 3!

    Autumn 1 Newsletter


    Here are the words that the children need to be able to spell by the end of Year 4.

    Choose a 3 or 4  each week to practice then come back to them regularly. 

    Stick them up around the house so you see them each day. Then put them in an envelope when you've got them.

    Every day, your child should be:

    • Reading (or read to) for at least 30 minutes
    • Practising spellings
    • Be practicing number bonds and times tables for 20 minutes.(They can do this using TT Rockstars. Log in details are in the homework books). 

    Parent Meeting slides

    Autumn 2 Letter

    Spring 1 Letter

    Geography: Our maps of the River Nile
    Geography: Our maps of the River Nile
    Geography: Our maps of the River Nile
    Music: The Pentatonic Scales
    Maths: Showing 100
    DT: Building a 3D Pyramid
    DT: Building a 3D Pyramid
    History: Mummification