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  • Year 6

    Welcome to the Year 6 Page

    Autumn 1 Newsletter

    Autumn 2 Newsletter

    Spring 2 Newsletter

    Spring 2 Newsletter

    Spring 2

    The information below is for parents, carers and children to help with home learning.

    Your child can also log onto Google Classroom to access any homework or additional learning.

    Please continue to encourage your child to:

    • Read on a daily basis
    • Complete a reading comprehension 


    • Practice their number bonds and times tables using:

             TT Rockstars ( times tables)


    • Numbots ( number bonds)


    • Hit the Button


    • Practice key spellings 

             Year 5/6


             Recap Year 3/4


    • Complete 10 mins Maths and Spelling/ Grammar and Punctuation Practice 


    • Stay active:


    Year 5/6 Spellings

    Autumn 1: Tempestuous Tudors 

    Autumn 2: Sailing the Seven Seas

    Spring 1: Decisions Decisions

    Spring 2: A World in Our Hands

    Parent Curriculum Slides

    Additional Resources 

    The resources below are available for completion if you did not get a chance to complete them last term. They will also help to support work we will be doing this Spring Term.

    Useful links and websites to enrich your learning

    If you like poetry, why not click on to the website below and listen to some wonderful pieces of well known and well loved poems.

    Poetry Link

    The following websites have activities and worksheets covering all areas of the curriculum.

    Topic and reading:


    For Maths, Reading and Writing. Choose your year group. Your child can make their own account without an email here

    All subjects:

    BBC bitesize:

    Foundation Subjects


    Virtual museum visits:




    Virtual Tours

    Log on to virtual tours that take your around  worldwide Galleries, Museums, Zoos and Attractions 

    Curriculum Parent's Meeting

    Year 6 Curriculum

    Year 6 is a year of hard work - getting in place those all important skills and knowledge before the children leave for Secondary School. It is also a year of fun and celebration of their time at St Stephen's. 

    Autumn Term

    Our first topic is 'Tempestuous Tudors', which involves a study of William Shakespeare- his life and plays.  Our Art work is a focus on Tudor portraits on canvas and the children always enjoy making Tutor Houses in D.T.

    Our second topic is 'Sailing the Seven Seas' where we look at biographies, diary writing and have a look at Greenwich and Deptford as the maritime centre of London.

    This is a busy term with lots of Secondary School visits taking place!

    Spring Term

    This is a very important term where we are honing our skills needed for the SATS tests next term as well as learning about our twi topics 'Decisions Decisions' and 'A World in Our Hands'.

    Summer Term

    For the 1st half of this term children will be revising for and sitting their KS2 SATS. It is a very focused time but will be followed by a very creative time.  In our last topic, 'Moving On', children will reflect on their time in St Stephen's School, make memory books and produce their leavers' assembly.  There will also be days spent at their new schools in preparation for September.  We are always sad to see them leave but know they will be well prepared for the next stage in their school life!